Steve Donoghue

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Happy New Year, 2013!

Well, obviously our mighty Year’s Best – and Worst – Books cataclysm wraps up my book-blogging for 2013, but I couldn’t fade into the sunset for the next few days without extending my heartfelt thanks to all of you out there reading Stevereads, whether you’ve been checking in for a few months or a few years (and to those of you who’ve been following my new-book reviews over at the “Open Letters Weekly” annex of my beloved Open Letters Monthly). I’ve said from the beginning that I intend Stevereads to be the autobiography of my reading, and every year I’m a little bit more amazed at how unpredictable and rewarding that personal trek can be. I’m more glad than I can say to learn from your emails that it’s been rewarding for some of you as well.

I’ll be disappearing now in my own run-up to the turning of the year, but in 2014 I hope to be back and full of new book discoveries (and foragings in me darling Penny Press, of course) to share with all of you. As always, it’ll be my pleasure.

In the meantime, Happy New Year to all of you!

me & the baby 15 feb 2013